Free Talk Friday - September 8th

The most wholesome thing happened to me earlier.

So I was playing league with my coworkers for the first time. All 4 of them were lower leveled (1 one of them were using his smurf) and I was using my Normal account.

Now since 2 of the guys in my premade had just barely started the game so I didn't expect to win in the slightest. I played Kindred jungle one of my most played champions, I just a shiton of deaths for kills and marks. Which payed off in the end. Was carrying the hell out of my premade for the most part but then my lead wore off after the enemy team catched up to full build, I ended 21/14

We lost but I had a lot of fun. And then enemy Ekko said he's been playing since season 2 and I'm the best Kindred. Sorry this has turned into a bragging comment but the point is that was the nicest thing someone has ever said to me and it made my day. Like you know that awful overreacting feeling you get when the enemy BMs you when you lose? Imagine the complete polar opposite of that situation. It felt good and I wish I could honor him lol.

Even tho I was against people way lower leveled it still felt very good and I wish League was more like that :/

/r/leagueoflegends Thread