Free Talk Friday

Fucking fleas!

Neighbours cat had been coming in the house a lot recently so i'm assuming it brought them in. Doused the whole house in flea spray earlier this week and all seemed good, no bites for a few days. This morning I put on a pair of jogging bottoms that were washed the day the house was sprayed (I think), sit down with the morning coffee and 5 minutes later my shin is tickling. Yep, a flea, fat little fucker so probably just had breakfast on my leg. Flea spray straight into it's eyes, flushed down the loo and i still won't be surprised if it somehow crawls back out and resumes trying to murder me one microscopic bite at a time.

Hopefully it was just a lone survivor but now i'm going to be back and jumping to inspect every little tickle again. Hate the things.

/r/reddevils Thread