Free Talk Friday

People with writing-related degrees take it so personally when "outsiders" make it in their craft too. I've noticed that whether it's me in journalism/freelancing, people that come out of nowhere to write successful novels, newsroom jealousy I've seen first and secondhand, etc.

Hell, Leo Tolstoy is very arguably the GOAT and outside of short stories published in his twenties, the vast majority of his important work comes as an older man drawing upon his military and socio-political dealings.

Writing is such a nebulous endeavor regardless of level and style. As long as the check clears and your editor/client/boss is pleased, don't worry about other motherfuckers. Just keep practicing, reading and experiencing life to expand your toolbox/sharpen what's in it (as Stephen King advises in "About Writing") and be the best you.

/r/nfl Thread