Free Talk Fridays - Week of October 13, 2017

A gardener comes across a magic seed, thinking it a harmless prank he decides to bury one for the sake of it. The tree grows into a large crystal-like plant in a matter of seconds, and what's more it can talk.

"I am the spirit of nature, I recognise your skill and compassion in tending to my children and I have come to grant you thanks, tell me what it is you desire and if I can I will help you"

The man says there's nothing he desires beyond what he has, but his heart does yearn for a girl he hasn't had the courage to confess his feelings too. Though the man wishes the girl would be his, he does not want to use magic to manipulate her feelings and knows to make her his girlfriend he should improve his self confidence.

The man asks the tree for help in this and so the tree grants him two more magic seeds telling him to plant them in his garden before the magic tree sinks back into the ground. The man plants the seeds and the next day he comes out to find only one of them had grown and the other had remained unchanged. The grown plant produced gold and so the man was rich and said to him "Now you can provide for her" and disappeared into the ground, the other plant did not grow.

The man stood over the seed and asked why it would not grow and the seed told him that he needed self confidence and it was not something he could conjure up like gold, only when will the seed grow. The man talks with the seed and the seed gives advice on his appearance and simple things like that but still the man is too shy and his wish remains unfulfilled until one day he gets annoyed at the seed and says "Why will you not grow into a plant so I may have my wish granted?".

The seed answers that the man must figure that out himself, the man thinks hard about why he is so shy and comes to the determination that he can never change who he is, so her returns to the seed and says "Seed, I am me and that is all I am, I cannot change myself so easily as my clothes. I now see that I am all I will ever be and since I have nothing to lose I will accept who I am and swallow my fears and ask her out".

The seed said "Congratulations, you have figured out what so many have sunk behind". The man asked the seed why it still wasn't growing but the seed said "I have been growing, though you may not have seen it through the soil, I have always been rooting for you".

The man realised all this was the setup to a bad pun and went inside and drank until he passed out.

/r/anime Thread Parent