Free Talk Tuesday - October 16th

I remember why I quit League 4 years ago.

Soloqueued ranked after trying to break the rust off in blind pick/draft, and they forced me to jungle. I've always been a support/adc main, and asked to switch, but nobody wanted to.

I picked the last thing I knew, Shaco, and got 2 successful ganks up top and one mid, then fed in every other teamfight because they had a fed Cass, a Kalista who'd chunk me for a quarter of my HP with AA's, and a Yi who nobody felt the need to pressure but me.

I ended up feeding in teamfights after trying to burst people down, and got flamed. I built tanky, and got flamed for selling my JG item for the Armor/MR item with an active that gave me 40% hp. I got flamed because I got bursted down before I could pop my ult to break targeting.

Ranked in this game sucks if you're not in a group and/or smurfing like a motherfucker.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread