Free the Toliets

We need public bathrooms provided by the city.

I don't think business owners should be responsible for this. The bottom line is if you open your bathroom DT to the public, it would seriously hurt any business.

It will become a drug spot real fast. Take for example the Target bathrooms, and the McDonald's on 3rd and Pike. Needles everywhere, fights, overdoses, drug selling. Scaring away customers.


I used to be one of those people getting high in the bathrooms. Though I was peaceful and minded my business (heroin) I saw multiple people overdose, arguments and various sketchy activity.

One time I got in the bathroom at Target to do drugs, the person that left before me immediately started pounding on the stall door. I prepared to defend myself as the door swung open.

Luckily, he just called me a dick for not opening it, and grabbed his lighter that he had forgotten in the stall.

Not to mention the absolute urine/fecal disaster that people leave behind.

/r/Seattle Thread