Free will could all be an illusion, scientists suggest after study that shows choice could just be the brain tricking itself

If this view were true, then all of us are innocent and blameless, everything should be legal and the human race should commit suicide. Do we have "free will" in the sense that every choice we make is 100% influenced by whatever defines "us" as individuals? No. For that to be possible we would have to be closed systems. We are far from closed systems. From the moment we are born, a flood of information is processed in the brain and we begin to generate memories. As our memories become more advanced we begin to be able to make use of them for the sake of communication. We remember the way our parents and all of whom we were exposed to communicated and are able to imitate it. We begin to speak. We have access to massive storages of memory to aid us every decision we encounter. Is the memory we possess the memory we chose? No. That is the aspect of existence that debunks free will, but allows for *free choice." Yes or no? Do or do not? The memories we have will make us more likely to choose the yeses or no's that we choose, but we have the power to defy ourselves if we so choose. But if we betray our memories of our system of beliefs, is there a set of memories that would predispose us to that betrayal? Maybe. And that is where the lines blur and make it possible to assert that there is not even free choice. Maybe the culmination of our senses and thoughts is so primitive compared to the functioning whole that we are completely unaware of how we actually operate. Who knows? But the question that this discussion leads into is is it okay to be a nihilist? Is it okay, because you are a blameless speck in the universe without even free choice to, fuck shit up for everyone as you please? Personally, I am for the survival of the human species and I would argue no, it is not. There is not a heaven or hell, so, if you feel so inclined to destroy, destroy yourself! Go do some meth and heroine and have a ton of sex while you die and leave those of us who want to continue the species do so without violence! Go out in a blaze of pleasure! We can accommodate! Maybe free choice, or even free will, is something to be earned. Something attained when we learn so much about ourselves and our environment that we rise above existence itself! We have just begun to discover the uses of motion! How much more room we have to improve! Our imagination is the limit! We must dream my brothers and sisters! And feed ourselves properly until we can formulate a system of perfect nutrition. We need every mind willing to continue to gather as much information as possible! We must unite! We must give ourselves the choice: live for humanity or die for ourselves.

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