Freedom From Schizophrenia

here is the proof for ya. if you've done your research, like you claim, you know the harmful effects of religioun for schizophrenice.

“Religious delusions influence help seeking, treatment, and outcome. Evidence suggests that those with religious delusions take longer to establish service contact,[28,29] receive more medications, have overall higher symptom scores, and have poorer functioning.[28] Those with religious delusion/hallucination are more likely to receive magico-religious healing, are not satisfied with psychiatric treatment,[26] and are more likely not to adhere to psychiatric treatment.[27] Evidence also suggests that those with religious delusions have poor outcome[30,31] and more frequently indulge in violence[32,33] and self-harm.[34,35,36] Some authors suggest that religious delusions can influence the health beliefs models and consequently lead to poor treatment compliance.[37]”


more proof

read all of this, because it explains what you are doing is wrong.

tah dah.

/r/schizophrenia Thread Parent