French Elections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Your first paragraph doesn't really have any value. You didn't refute my point in saying any of it. And to your second point in there Intersectionality doesn't claim to push hatred either. But it's the inevitable conclusion. Intersectional feminism is the the cultural twin of Marxist economic views. And it all inevitably leads to true oppression and hatred of "the other." Neither "method of analysis" works without an outgroup to cast as the villain/oppressor/whatever.

Paragraph 2 - Yes, you do. You want to detach your "method of analysis" from the real world implications and natural conclusions that stem from it. BUT you want to talk about it in relation to capitalism as a system and claim those extensions/conclusions will replace capitalism and be superior. You're trying to evade here. Whether intentionally because you lack good arguments or unintentionally because Marxist doctrine has learned that being dragged into the light will kill it and it has influenced how it is taught I can't say.

Paragraph 3 - Evasion again.

Paragraph 4, specifically the last 3 sentences - Right. Evasion to the last. You are so secure in your "superiority" that you don't deign to put your ideology into competition with others. The best indicator of a weak mind or a weak idea is fear of that competition.

No doubt you'll tell me I'm just wrong about everything and you CANNOT argue with me on this topic because Marxism is "just a method of analysis that has no real world implications so it's all invalid" because it shelters you from the cold harsh reality that you're a "useful idiot" to villains.

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