The French village that votes 90% far right

but hypothetically, if the market was completely free of these rules and regulations, when people would have an absolute freedom to start their own businesses as they will,

Then what would prevent them from using shady means to buy all the lands and cancer medecine in the world one shady mean or another and ask you all your income and all you own for any of either ?

if they instead chose to work for companies and managers?

You think people CHOOSE to sacrifice 60 to 80 hours everyweek enriching somebody else just to be allowed to eat and have a roof above themselves in winter or (god forbid) year round ?

So, you are saying that these people are presenting no benefit to the company and what it's trying to achieve, and just pick up easy money?

I fully assuming calling most modern CEO, executives and "shareholders" as simply social parasites.

so, why would the shareholders put up with it?

Because they are members of the scammer gang too and get their cut in exchange for maintaining the apparatchik system. They're the "common merchant nobility" to the high nobility.

They are the ones who own the company and get profit from it, they also get to decide what should be done about things, why would they keep managers that cost them a lot of money and do nothing?

Because those managers are quartermasters keeping the rest in line for them, i guess.

How does one steal the minimum wage?

By bribing senators into abolishing it, then telling people they either work for 1$/hour or get replaced by mexicans who will build the same jeans for less half the price like they once did in hawaii before the federal hammer fell in their face.

Why don't you build one, then? No, wait, build a dozen.

We did. And in the mean time foreign oligarchs managed to bribe several right wing governments in a row into acquiring all the land and restarting speculation and shit like that.

But turns you i think we're going to restart nationalizing land by force and offer new affordable social housing again if things goes on.

The government does a very shitty job in Europe in terms of agricultur

As opposed to a country that feed their population chicken full of ammonium and where lead poisoning is still a thing because there are little to no enforced regulations and there's so much toxic pesticide and chemical in your local rivers they sometime spontaneously catch fire ?

Who don't you stay your side of the atlantic with that deregulation thank you very much.

The market does not need subsidies,

Turns out "the market" doesn't care what it NEEDS, it care what it WANTS. And that is "all the money that exist".

So, yes, as long as the possibility exist, they will keep bribing politicians with kickbacks in exchange for being allowed to steal large amounts of government money; because they LOVE money.

No. No, you couldn't possibly. I went to a private clinic several times

Well lucky you. Turns out US worker can't afford to put 10 years of full income aside just to get in there. Nor can they afford to spend half their income on "affordable insurance" when most of it is already going to the rent and food.

While the government hospitals here have parts of ceilings falling off (all buildings that were built in the socialist era), filthy floors and overcrowded waiting rooms and 2-4 hours waiting just for the doctor to have a listen to your lungs.

Probably because oligarchs got the public system fully defunded under reagan and forced the gov to abolish most related regulation so that people wonder exactly why they still make do with 20y old stuff with no maintenance, no meds and no personnal.

It's how they did it in eastern europe too before EU regulations started cracking down on the atrocious corruption in countries like poland or romania (or recently ukraine).

"oh look we stole all the public healthcare money since 1980 to fund "better private clinics" and every doc has been unpaid volunteers. Truly i wonder why it looks like it's running like in a third world country"

Not even sarcasm. That was basically the situation in those country, and that's what you are doing in the USA too.

Why is that? Because the people who work there and run that clinic have to make sure for the people to go back to them

No they don't, you already gave them all your income the second you set foot in, remember ? Now they can just dump you on the side and find another mark.

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