I was only 10 going on 11 but I never really enjoyed it when it came out bc my cousin was a skater teen who listened to raider klan, odd future, shit from stones throw and rhyme sayers and more Stuff towards that direction and I had kinda caught on that music as a youngin, I do rmb hearing Knock Knock on the computer a year after it came out and that’s def not my kind of rap, how can you not be happy and jumpy from that song,

I support peep hard bc I found out b him when I was 14 and around that age you kinda start exploring your own interests more, I was super into underground rap and I had found out there was a whole scene out there called “SoundCloud rap” which was actually kinda started by Raider Klan, and in 2015, like 2 months after I had turned 14 I found out bout peep through SoundCloud recommendations (I found out b Yachty, Carti, xxx, and damn near the whole SoundCloud scene before fame, shout out SoundCloud algorithm) and he sounded like a rip of another rapper I knew, he quickly had found a style that worked for him and he had became my favorite SoundCloud rapper instantly.

I had grown up with Mac too bc I had family Members who listened to his music and his death probably impacted me most out of all the rapper deaths these past few years bc I had actually grown up with the dude as well, went from Teenage boy to full man, fuck Fetanyl

R.I.P. mac, R.I.P. peep

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