Friend took too much meth, need urgent advice right now.

u know the peak of the incident was like 1.5 days ago right? ive already left her place some time ago after seeing over a few hrs that her heart rate is starting to go down slowly and the meth is leaving the body and shes starting to feel better. ive been texting and calling her all day to check up on her.

to give her a benzo id had to have someone come over to watch her while i went to go get my vally which i couldnt make happen and at tht time i didnt want to experiment with telling her to try a benzo/meth combo because she was already on edge and neither of us were in the mood for taking any more risks and trying new things.

her heart rates now down to like 78-85 range from her last txt so its going down and looks like she will be OK as long as she gets some sleep.

your right i didnt know as much as i do now when i was trying to help but i knew enough to make the best out of it, i knew to hydrate her, told her not to move at all to keep HR low, patted her entire body down whenever she got sweaty and had 911 ready

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