The friend zone is underrated

I completely disagree. Both concepts are useful.

Friend-zoning can be good or bad, depending on when in the relationship it occurs.

  • Good: If you're getting coffee for the first time and she says, "I just want to be friends, is that okay?" Setting that boundary early is mighty decent of her; she will make a good friend.

  • Bad: You've been hanging out with her for weeks or months. She's been flirty the whole time. You finally confess your attraction, and she replies, "Sorry, I only want to be friends. I thought you knew that." If she wasn't open to courtship, she should have set that boundary earlier, instead of creating an ambiguous situation that embarrassed both of you. She's an inconsiderate friend; dump her.

As for virginity, it's associated with young, pure, innocent girls for good reason:

  • A girl who's never had sex has less chance of carrying STDs.

  • A girl who can resist temptation until marriage is more likely to be a faithful wife. Female virginity guarantees male paternity confidence.

  • It's unreasonable to expect a woman in her late twenties/early thirties to still be a virgin. Waiting until marriage only works if people marry young.

  • Male virginity is irrelevant, unless he's paying child support or carrying STDs.

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