Do you have friends you don’t agree with politically? To what degree do/did you differ?

When I was much more of a centrist, I rarely ever cut anyone off over politics, but I’ve made politics my life quite honestly. I work for a political nonprofit, it’s what I got my BA in, and I’m going to grad school to pursue a political career. The more I studied it, the more I realized that yes I do need to interact with and learn about things I don’t agree with, but certain parts of my morals come from my political ideology. If someone disagrees with me on a topic that genuinely shows a lack of empathy to our fellow human, I find that there’s usually more to our difference in belief than just realpolitik. Furthermore, many other people who are on the same side of the political spectrum as I am are far too reactionary and not realistic enough about how our systems work.

There’s usually a clear difference in whether or not someone’s politics are misguided or just morally apprehensive. I will always stay away from the latter of the two.

/r/AskWomen Thread