
Shit he should have just gone with it. Rejection hurts, but it hurts even more knowing you never took the chance. It's not like she is going to think "What a loser hahaha, fuck that guy". She will forget it even happened a few days later.

The friend zone exists because too many guys are afraid to take a chance. If you feel a vibe go for it!(make sure you see at least a few signs, don't just kiss every women you meet). Take it from me, I'm only 22 and just learned to take risks 2 years ago. I've been rejected a fair amount of times, but that's life. The times I have tried and it worked sucessfully blow the times I failed out of the water. I can't tell you how many of my women friends told me "I really liked you when we first met, why didn't you make a move?" I wanted to ask, well why didn't you?!? unfortunately this isn't how American customs work, men ask the women out.

My advice to anyone wondering if they should make a move is just do it! the longer you wait the less interested she will become. No "perfect moment" exists so get out there and at least try! Also, 90% of the women who rejected my advances are still good friends of mine, I just explain the misunderstanding and don't act akward at all (If you really like the woman tho best cut ties to let the heart find a new target). If you remain friends after rejection you gain a valuable female wingman and now her friends are fair game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Take it from someone who isn't very attractive (7/10) but is intelligent and funny as hell. Nothing in life is worth obtaining without risking something. If you have any questions about how/when to make a move or how to read signs to know your interest is mutual feel free to PM me!

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Link - img-9gag-fun.9cache.com