From the comments in an article saying gravity does not pull down harder on fat bodies

To go a little further, consider getting hit by a whiffle ball at 90mph and a baseball at 90mph. Both objects are moving at the same speed, but one is going to hurt a lot more because it has greater mass and therefore a greater force is exerted when it hits you. The same is true for gravity. All objects fall towards the earth at 9.8 meters/sec2 but an increase in mass changes the overall force. That's why weight =/= mass even though we often compare imperial weights (pounds and ounces) to metric mass (grams, kilograms) but mass will be the same REGARDLESS of the gravity. You would have the same mass on the moon but you would weigh less because the gravity is less. Likewise you would have the same mass on Jupiter but you would weigh more because the gravity is greater.

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