From Facebook. If only there was a solution.

It is kinda justified tho cuz if you look at it from a logical angle men just in general have alot of different advantages(physical) over women and that just increases the risk of getting attacked in any way. And thing about men is that we take anything thats coming out of a girl and turn it into a sign of love, so she simply looks at you for 5 secs and you think shes into you and I have experienced thisshit many times tbh. One other reason that it’s justified is just that there is a variety of types of the two genders so we have to not generalize cuz some women are desperate for attention and some just hate it and some men are predators and in fact its a huge number but still some are not and they’re just following their masculine uncontrollable instincts not noticing it, some men also dont do both. The first two types make the woman who hates attention uncomfortable naturally so one of the not so many-ways to treat it is to justify the mans behavior by “friend zoning” them, so this is just her giving him the benefit of the doubt and hoping it is just friendship, kinda like asking your teacher if ur answer is correct during a test and checking their reaction. Not saying every man is a creep and in fact my point almost proves this wrong, just saying when you talk to a girl PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to her and try at least to know when shes uncomfortable

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