From January 2018 - November 2018

I agree on that one, it is the basis of nature, survival of the fittest.

However in proper economies and civilizations with well behaved people, usually that isn't a requirement and everyone or mostly everyone can live a happy life with access to basic needs and much more than that.

Sad that so much of the world is in such a horrible state, sad that there's such a huge amount of horrible people.

It is a lottery basically, you are either born in a first world country and have a MUCH higher chance of succeeding in life/ having a happy life. Or are born in a country with a situation like that of Venezuela right now, Siria, or some african countries, and so many more examples, and have almost 0 posibilities of reaching anything, bad education or no education, access to books so you can learn basic and advanced stuff, access to computers/internet, it makes things so much different.

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