Take it from us: With Amazon, you can get too much of a good thing

As the SO of an Amazonian, this article ruffles my feathers. This attitude this writer displays is a huge factor in our leaving Seattle. They toot 'Aw the poor amazon workers' but when it comes to day to day life its the workers that are harassed and shown extreme hostility. Forgetting to hude your badge when you stand in line to pick up lunch puts you at risk for being yelled at for destroying their city. So the article he refers to about apologizing, I took to mean the very vocal hatred that the natives display to amazonians. The problem isnt Amazon, its Seattle city council members bending over to give Amazon every break they can while ignoring the inflation on cost and quality of living. Six months after leaving, I checked the rent on the apartment I had there and it had gone up by 800 a month and had been bought by a fourth company in the three years I had been there.

Okay great, Seattle was different before Amazon. But blane the city for not making sure they werent breaking their citizens. I personally have more faith in Detroits ability to allow growth without killing the local economy.

So please dont let this very angry native Seattleite scare you. Detroit would be far better at preparing and keeping a company in check.

/r/Detroit Thread Link - seattletimes.com