Front & Back Bar PvE / PvP

I'm going to be brutally honest when I tell you that despite what everyone + zenimax says about making newer players more competitive in pvp, ESO pvp is still best enjoyed as an end-game activity. I played this game first for the quests & immersion (as a long time TES fan), then started having a lot of fun running dungeons as my first character or two became more advanced veteran ranks, then eventually ventured into pvp after mastering those. I had set foot in pvp maybe twice before achieving max lvl (although you REALLY don't need to get all the way maxed before you go) and my experience each time was invisible people coming out of no where and killing me in 2 seconds before I can respond - in other words - not fun.

As far as bar set ups go just experiment with what you feel comfortable with. Try and have a heal on both bars if possible, switch your buffs and "over-time" skills to your off bar and leave your main attacks and skills on your front bar so you don't have to switch back and forth too much. The best way to figure out how to play your class/character will be to make an experienced friend along to way or look up some videos and guides from other players.

TLDR; the way that it sounds I don't recommend pvp as a new player, take your time and enjoy the game - you'll figure it out like we all do ;) ESO is a game where there's too much stuff to figure out all at once and pvp is something much more crowded with end-game try-hards like me

/r/elderscrollsonline Thread