The Frustrating Inadequacy of Antidepressants - Why Prozac and its ilk so often fail, and why the future of psychiatry might be psychedelics

People want to hate because they want to be lazy and take a pill to solve their problems. Every person I’ve met who’s depressed (including myself) could clearly state why they were depressed plus we’re not taking care of themselves physically. It wasn’t like everything was going great and all of a sudden their brain crapped out on them. But exercising, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, not relying on booze and drugs (including ones sold at a pharmacy) is hard work. Then rearranging your life to start taking steps toward a life that suits you better is even harder work. Swallowing a pill is easy (at first) until the addiction and bizarre sexual dysfunction and wild mood swings set in.

I hated college as an 18 year old. I wasn’t taught as a kid to take agency in my own life, or how to not eat garbage all day and not get fat or make a plan that makes sense for me. I lived like an unhealthy robot which worked until 18 and then all of a sudden that strategy didn’t work. Instead of working on a plan that would work. Exercising. Not eating junk food to soothe myself. I immediately got SSRIs. I missed a turning point in life that could have saved me years of suffering. And used the experience as a growth experience. Instead I just got garbage pills that did nothing for me and were sheer murder to quit, made me balloon up another 30 lbs and made it physically impossible to wack off.

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