Frustration with other people’s limitations

Wish I had an answer for you but I really appreciate posts like this on this sub. I feel much the same way lately, beyond words frustrated with ineptitude and whining, people who could change their situations in a snap with their opportunities but readily rest in where they are, and it’s really difficult to frame it or put it into words. It seems that people like us have crawled out of our situations with bare teeth effort though. Part of that angry survivor feeling, where no one has been there to make it feel as if it matters or to validate or acknowledge that monumental effort and consequential success. Topped with how generally vexing many people can seem to be, flaky and insincere, and bordering on emotionally unavailable. I think it’s the sensation of being chronically under supported and knowing so many people who can’t keep their word or treat it flippantly.

/r/CPTSDFightMode Thread