Well Shane whenever you decide to enter the world of adulthood remember that there are property rights and certain procedures to navigate said rights. In this instance, the appropriate action by the OP would have been to proceed to his meeting and speak with management and mention that they had a tough time parking and parked in lot A---is this ok?

You grew up in NYC (I can guess which borough you weren't raised in/don't work in) which makes your argument all that more perplexing/speaks to inexperience with owning a vehicle/driving in manhattan. If you are driving to a law office in manhattan and you expect to use any off street parking to be free (and without checking first!) and act as if it is in your right to use ignorance as defence, well I suppose I understand what type of gentleman you are.

Have a great weekend and remember--if you are unsure if your actions will negatively impact yourself or another be sure to ask the adult in the room. Cheers.

/r/IdiotsInCars Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com