Fuark doots cobes was supposed to meet up with this girl soon and she was calling him regularly but I just don't see how he can compete with this. I also don't remember the last time she even mentioned him. Cobra done been cucked. Good thing girl on girl is his favorite genre but still...

For new lurkers this is a recurring topic that the other sub really doesn't allow discussion of. Previous mentions

https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Boglim/comments/sng31g/cooch_sneeze_laughing_at_our_boy_with_her_vagrant/ (Goocheese calling Cobra as she has been doing often lately)

https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Boglim/comments/t2dlt8/just_now_more_empty_lip_service_captain_is/ (Goocheese reacting to Captain Content suggesting they meet)

https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Boglim/comments/sz7jo5/exclusive_clip_of_ip2_rv_247s_captain_content/ (Captain Content haggling with viewers about when to drive to Casper so Cobra can meet Goocheese)

https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Boglim/comments/t11hx6/dont_ever_tell_goocheese_youre_a_fan_of_king/ (Goocheese declaring no real intent to meet Cobra featuring actual KingCobraJFS subscriber)

/r/The_Boglim Thread Link - streamable.com