fuck around with covid and find out

Lock up everyone and everything for three months costing billions just so we can have a few weeks of freedom until it inevitably slips through the border again and the cycle repeats? Yeah real normal.

We had months, almost a year of relative freedom. If we spent effort improving miq then it would give us more time.

I said relative normality. The incubation period of the virus has decreased, along with the time we would need to lockdown for if we did it properly and followed expert advice.

How many billions are being lost in lost productivity?

The economy and humanity as a whole has come through waaaaaay worse situations than the one we're currently in. Saying the whole house is burning down is a complete overreaction.

Has it? The last time we had the climate change we were wearing animal skins and it wasn't going to render the planet uninhabitable for us.

I mean it's just a metaphorical house we were discussing and to take the metaphor further, it represented the economy, not civilization or humanity.

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