Fuck you Dale Carnegie! What is every job secretly a sales position?

Ok so you're not trolling - my apologies.

Here's the thing, you said if you had dreams you probably wouldn't like them when you got there. So what. They're your dreams, if you don't like them, change them again. You're not married to them, you can change till you find something that's more appealing to you.

You may not have money right now but that doesn't mean you don't have resources. You obviously have a computer or phone and an internet connection so you can watch videos from people like Tim Ferriss or check this shit out - a CEO running a billion dollar company did an AMA today and was answering all kinds of questions from people. His website and interviews are bad ass.

Can't afford all that bandwidth, then try your local public library. That billionaire CEO says books have had a HUGE impact on his life.

Look all of life is a choice. We make a choice of how we're going to react to life's events but the events themselves are without meaning. We give 100% of the meaning to life's events.

Don't believe me? Well take the simple example of a red light. A person in car1 is pissed off because the light is holding them up and they're running late for a meeting. However the person in the car next to them in car2 is thankful for the light because it gives him a minute out of his VERY hectic day to relax and look at how beautiful the world is.

The stimulus for both drivers is the same, the red light. However the choices in how they react to the stimulus is a choice they make, either consciously or unconsciously.

You can make a choice to live a life of your dreams or not. It's totally up to you.

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