Fuck em’

I was literally knocked unconscious when I slipped on a puddle the janitor left at work with no wet floor sign in sight and fell backwards, slamming my head into the tile floor like a fucking cartoon or something (my leg went up and my whole body followed kind of slip, I didn't know that was a real thing until I slipped that day) and my manager said I needed a doctor's note AS THE EMTS WERE CARRYING ME OUT ON A STRETCHER. Like wtf. Then she tried to blame me for my shoes "being covered in grease" when they were not and "not being careful to look at the sign" the sign was across the store.

I got fired a few weeks later while I was on crutches because I got hit by a truck while riding a bike, because even though my doctor said I could work if I had a chair and she had other employees working sitting in chairs, it was deemed an "unreasonable" accommodation and I couldn't work if I couldn't sit.

/r/antiwork Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it