Fuck everyone who says that autism is a gift. It's hell.

First, I wish you every moment of peace you can get. Peace without guilt.

My daughter is high functioning. People think her stimming method is cute. She sings. She sings and plays with her imaginary friends. They don't see the other side. She controls my sleep. She controls what my wife and I get to do. She can't be trained with most of the time. We don't get to have a lot of fun. My wife was a stay at home parent but now that I'm retired from the military we switched roles. I'm learning exactly what she's been dealing with. Kid's eight now and things are getting better. I'm hoping for her Independence. And ours.

I love my kid but I wish I could get to know the vibrant kid inside of this behavioral and communicative bubble. If change her in a second to give her a better life.

/r/confessions Thread