Why the fuck is lamb so expensive?

Not one of your statements provide an example of how foreigners are treated more favourably than Australian citizens in Australia.

Doezens of Australians died trying to keep the Taliban and Al-Qaeda out of Afghanistan. Some of them shot by the Afghans they were training.

That's really messed up, but blame the Australians who elected the Government that sent our service men & women over there

Hundreds came home broken and have since died because they didn't get the health care, mental health care, housing, financial support or some other form of help they needed.

Yet those Afghans, once the western powers left, dropped their weapons and jumped onto planes to Australia where they were given medical aid, psychological care, financial support, housing and legal aid to commence their requests for assylum.

Thousands of veterans are homeless.

13% of our population live in poverty.

Yet we give away billions in foreign aid.

It was only last year that we stopped giving hundereds of millions of dollars to a country with AN ACTIVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM.

We give, on average, $500 million per year to a nearby country with a $9billion defence budget.

Leftards in Sydney will protest for the rights of women in Islamic countries but won't lift a finger about child abuse in Aboriginal communities.

How's that for a start?

/r/AskAnAustralian Thread Parent