Fuck people who care more about animals than people.

Dogs don't know intentionally poisoning water is bad. Cats don't know flooding wetlands with sewage is wrong. Birds don't know all the cars are polluting the air they fly in with smog. We know all these things and yet we keep doing them.

Humans are an abomination on the earth, basically drilling dead, fermented dinosaurs out of the earth, chemically processing it, and then burning it to make things go, heat homes, and build stuff. Raising rainforest and wetlands. Blowing each other up.

Animals are just stuck with the mess we leave behind. Tbh, I'd say good riddance to all humans. We're greedy selfish, useless things, and if we didn't have all the crap we've manufactured a lot of those 7b. Would be dead because they forgot they are just animals too, and don't know how to survive.

/r/offmychest Thread