Fuck this relationship goal nonsense

I'm more of a Professor-X / Magneto kinda girl myself. I like to keep things intellectually straining and emotionally explosive. An irredeemable foundation of marked distrust and questionable morals is key. It's maddeningly romantic when your SO is more inclined to kill you than anyone else in the world! Like, you can be out to ruin the other but should an outsider even attempt to claim your destruction-- stand back! Not to mention, the undercurrent of misguided but determined aggression just lying in wait to conquer your worldview and have it molded against your will <3. It's almost like, the pent up sexual tension in a privately owned prison with no air conditioning and everyone there is serving time for overcompensating or road rage. But way more intense and deliberately unpleasant.

Sure, things would be "nice" if important matters were addressed with the respectful exchange of more traditional, societal-approved methodologies. No one is discounting the value of mature dialogue or reasonable expectations here. However, there's something to be said for the impassioned tirades of an SO campaigning for your subjugation and or soul. It helps if you come from vastly conflicting backgrounds too, for instance: one of privilege and one of survival. I come from the ladder, so this one holds extra value for me.

Rivaling for moral superiority is ESSENTIAL if you want the deterioration of two, otherwise highly intelligent and capable people, to culminate to one being crowned self-righteous and the sentenced to a fiery downfall that makes Troy thank the gods for the Greeks.

It's like endurance chess of the soul, played by the brain using the heart, seducing the body. Feuding, fooling, Fucking. Unstoppable force vs. immovable object. The perpetual game of chicken where you've both sabotaged the other's break lines. Addiction to low blows and cutthroat betrayals, withholding affection, attention and appreciation, playing tit-for-tat and score keeping who won which battle when, where and were there witnesses and a notary present? Forever and ever rehashing every disagreement since life began while simultaneously combating a barrage of deflections or distractions, such as: semantics, absolutes, manipulations or just blatant lies! IT IS ALL SO THRILLING! There are no boundaries; the only rule is theirs or your own chaotic preference for emotional (mostly anarchic) free will-- whichever still reigns triumphant from the last exhaustive row. Trivializing, mocking, loaded questions, accusations, projection and gas-lighting, with an angry side of jealousy and resentment? Sign me up. Because if you're not collecting every red flag and tying them together to better strangle your better half with then you aren't a legit Power Struggle Couple and have no idea what love is.

/r/rant Thread