Fuck this sub

  1. I'll be happy to take responsibility for all the mass shootings if I can also take responsibility for the millions of violent crimes prevented by private fun owners.

  2. minorities need guns, they sure as fuck aren't going to be able to rely on the police to protect them

  3. Nazism and racism is national SOCIALISM, it's just the right wing version of socialism instead of the left wing version, but both derive from the same philosophical roots, both have proven to be violent and brutal towards minorities, and both are very anti-libertarian

  4. it's more like the government tries to suppress minorities by denying them personal responsibility at any cost, that's why they use things like the minimum wage to fuck them out of the jobs markets, and zoning laws to fuck them out of the housing markets

  5. all those gov taxes fuck over the poor, who are more than capable of helping themselves if the government didn't fuck everything up, but then they give them these token bullshit handouts to pacify and control them

/r/Libertarian Thread