Fuck yes!!!. ICE Raids Dairy Farm Where Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Mollie Tibbetts Worked

Oh I've seen my fair share of that shit down south. One time some dude was trying to wash my windows and when I told him no he waited 'til the light turned green and when I started to move he lunged into the side of my car and claimed I hit him. Screaming and crying holding his knee on the ground and all. I was pissed. Lucky for him everyone else in traffic around me called him out so he took off real quick, at full sprint none the less. I was about to hurt the guy for trying to pull that shit. I won't even go south of Mojave anymore and will not go within 70 miles of San Franshithole or Sacramento. I just avoid all major shitholes. When I hit the beach I go central coast where it's actually a nice beach and the people seem happy and content. The mountain towns are always pretty nice in Cali. Good people and tight communities and I feel like that is what California has going for it.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent Link - breitbart.com