Fucked up and got a girl pregnant.

  1. Attempt to somehow figure out if she is pregnant and if so then whether it’s yours or not.

  2. Try to get a reading of her character and don’t push her into a corner too fast. First start off by being nice and available to her and once you have a stable reading of the situation move forward from there. She may be very irrational right now and if you start off by demanding an abortion or threatening to leave or sth it would make her very reactive.

  3. Regardless of whatever the fuck people here are saying, if you want this pregnancy terminated then tell her that when the time is right. And honestly ignore the people bitching about whether it’s murder or not they can call it whatever they want, at the most pessimistic viewpoint this is a selfish and legal option that is available to her that will potentially avoid a very unpleasant life for 3 people and those around them. At the end of the day it’s really up you if you want to take the supposed “moral high ground” and keep it, or take the other supposed “moral high ground” and rid the child and you of a bad life. That’s for you and of course ultimately the woman to decide.

  4. If she does want to keep it, then you need to think long and hard about how much you want to be a part of her and the kids life. I’ll just be blunt and say you have many options available. You can take the extreme low option and never interact with her again, depending on the type of person she is she may not care enough about hunting you down for money and you just go your separate ways, or you can be a sleaze about it and find ways to not pay money or see her. And then on the flip side you can attempt to kindle some sort of friendship and/or love with her and try to be a part of the kids life and hers, but this may obviously come at a cost to your plans for life. You do always hear happy go lucky stories of people keeping the child and “oh just how great it is” and that’s probably true, but you also can’t really know what it’d be like if you didn’t.

Overall I’d recommend being open with her and do not try to intimidate her or confront her, unless she’s insane or lying then she is probably just as concerned as you are about this so be aware of that in your interactions and don’t start off on the wrong foot. And don’t let anyone’s fucking opinions on abortions or how to lead your life change your mind, this is ultimately your life and a decision you have to live it, so do what’s right for you.

Good luck my man, I wish you all the best.

/r/uwaterloo Thread