I fucked up and I have trouble getting back on track.

I'm going to share a personal anecdote, and I hope you can see where I'm going with this.

I've been trying to quit smoking for a month, now. I went on a work trip and smoked 2 packs. Would you have said to me, "Just give up, you smoked two packs?" That's the way I felt. I didn't give up. This is my eighth day without a cigarette.

I've lost 40lbs in the last 6 months doing what works for me. Everyone will always tell you what works for them like it's the only way to lose weight, but you're on your own journey, and you'll have to figure out what permanent lifestyle changes you can make that improve your life and make you happier while making you healthier. I'm sure you know from experience that discipline is a muscle that grows stronger, and you'll build up momentum as you go along.

/r/loseit Thread