The fuckery involved here is on another level.

The drug companies too put spins on products and buy respectable drs to represent them. You find in the news all the time that basic or original products are working better than the so called product everyone is raving about. The distrust is working both ways. Natural remedies aren't proved and popular medicine isn't always representing the truth. So in this capitalist world, what was this mother supposed to do. My kid had a high fever once and I swear I was awake all night watching him with a pain in my heart. Imagine watching your son on the brink of death in an athsema attack while reading about the effects of steroid inhalers and possibly making the condition worse over time. Then I really understand how she wanted to find something kinder and then the other side of "miracle medicine steps in. This child died becuase of a distrustful system and our group ability to allow it to happen.

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