Fucking dumb is an understatement

What does "cooperated" entail? If we all literally didn't leave our houses for a few months, maybe? But I would never, ever support that proposition because it is cruel. We get disease and die, unfortunately we are human. When your choice is freedom to work and freedom to move with the risk of contracting a disease or no freedom to work and no freedom to move with no risk of contracting a disease.... I mean do people ACTUALLY think the latter is acceptable? I know there are all kinds of opinions in this world and I respect that but WOW that anyone would ever choose the latter. To each their own. And that's precisely what I mean, you cannot force people into isolation which is really the only preventative measure their was. They will react BADLY.

It shouldn't have been forced, it should have been asked. Those who CAN afford to isolate, should have, yes. And I did. I have the great, hella blessed privilege of being able to work from home and having a pandemic-proof job. Most people do not have this privilege. In that time of isolation we increased hospital capacity and staff, we learned all we could about how to best help people with the disease, and I think in the end largely reduced the number of deaths there would have been if we had not isolated for those first few months. To me, that means we're as good as we're ever going to be. If you still feel unsafe, unimmune, worried there isn't a hospital bed for you then keep wearing your mask, get the booster, try not to go out much. In my area, hospitals nowhere near capacity, very low positivity rate, and I've already been exposed to COVID and vaxxed so I'm not really worried about continuing my life as is. To me the pandemic is over. I've mitigated what I can, I just have to now live life normally with the risk of contracting this disease, like I did before with all other diseases and risks of living life in the world.

When is the pandemic "over" to you?

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