fucking hell 114 times


there has been cases where kids just got bullied over years until they finally snapped and hurt someone, which would have been easily preventable if anyone cared. I dare to claim you can lead back most of the school shootings to the shooter being bullied for years.

Still NOT saying that justifies it. But what do you expect from a 14 year old? How much are they supposed to take? If you bully a dog into a corner it will bite you, everyone knows that. But from kids we expect to go to school, get bullied, with no chance to escape because they are told they have to go. What other do you expect than that kid to break at some point?

And then that kid who got nothing else than abuse from his bullies, who is already past the point where enduring was an option, so that the only way out they see to murder their bullies, those you going to punish even more? How is that kid supposed to have even the slightest chance of normal again? Like this you could also just shoot them in the head instead of locking them up, less effort for you and less suffering for them.

(not saying this is how this specific case went down, so dont even try)

/r/iamatotalpieceofshit Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it