Fascists who aren't educated or directly involved in politics (sometimes) aren't stupid as shit atleast in terms of speaking and bringing other Fascists together in order to win elections or take over Governments. You don't even have to look very hard to see this happen, it's happened in Brazil not long and in the Philippines. Is Duterte stupid as shit? Probably, his ideals are and I'm sure he's not very educated in terms of book smarts but he's a charismatic psychopath who knows how to win over a crowd, hell he's a popular president over there even. If you want to go further just look at Mussolini or Hitler, among the populace they were pretty damn popular (although if you speaked out against them you were probably going to be executed or imprisoned but still) they can easily gain control and enact their agenda and to do that successfully you can't be a dumbass, we just got lucky last election that Trump is in fact a dipshit if it was anyone smarter we'd be fucked even more than we are right now