Fucking Ramadan

My friends wanna go out to eat and I haven't seen them in ages cause of their exams etc and everyone's been busy!

Not sure where you are from, but Muslims here in the states frequently go out with non-Muslims friends, we just don't eat while fasting.

I'm still on my period (you can't fast on periods) and my mum still says it doesn't matter?

Is there a Quranic verse or strong-Hadith that indicates it should matter?

And then praying and shit at night.

Again, not sure where you're from, but night-prayers here take 30 minutes or so.

The weight gain instead of weight loss after how hard i tried to have the summer body I have now.

Pretty much everyone I know manages to both fast and workout (generally at night), stop making excuses.

And little sleep, also bad for skin and overall mood.

Again, never seen this to be a problem. You only lose 1-hour of sleep if you choose to eat in the morning. As for the skin and the mood, maybe you just have shitty skin and a terrible mood.

I despise being in a Muslim family.

We can tell. Your Reddit-angst is almost palpable through the screen.

I've seen a lot of ex-Muslims who have truly awful stories about being abused, and despite being Muslim myself and disagreeing with the conclusions they draw, my heart bleeds for them.

You, on the other hand, are acting like a spoiled child. Are you really so ravenous that you can't hang out with people if they are eating and you aren't? Either so vain you can't go a month without working-out, or so lazy you can't fit-in a workout anyway?

There are billions in the world who are dying for lack of food/resources, and would kill to have a tenth of what you have.

It makes me happy to know ungrateful princesses like you are forced to fast against their will.

/r/exmuslim Thread