Have fun, i'm out!

I'm fighting an upstream battle here, I know that (wasn't aware I was on r/2X chromosomes) but honestly, this is what men on online dating receive: bullshit. If men aren't in the top 5%, this is the treatment they get. He probably had this happen to him an exponential amount of times while you sit there and get a message a minute. You have the choice to pick whatever fruit you want and he is crushingly alone with this same pattern continuing. Like I like to say: flip the script. Imagine gender was completely the opposite and you were the one continuously getting no where with the opposite sex purely on the fact that they are receiving x40 messages than you are and you're all alone.

Would you not feel like shit?

I get uploading something like this because it makes for good media but it's fucking gross.. Women will never understand how much worse it is for men in these situations and it's only getting worse. Hope your fathers/sons/grandfathers/male acquaintances don't have depression because chances are its people like you that are the reason why they kill themselves.

/r/creepyPMs Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it