It's Funny Because It's True

Well I know this is the last place to say something for civil rights, but there is a reason for this. Black people are STILL actively worked against in society, it's not like we let the slaves go free and all of the sudden racism ended. Just from 1950-2015, here are some major issues in black communities.

  • immense crime in black communities causes thousands of deaths per year.

  • gentrification in major black ghettos is increasing rent prices far past what they can afford to pay, leading to mass displacement.

  • from 1940-1960, White Flight in cities left the black residents underfunded and left with damaged infrastructure and facilities. Riots in the 1960s continued to destroy these neighborhoods.

  • Nearly 10.5 million black men jailed from 1990-2010, mostly on drug charges.

  • Police abuse against black communities is still out of control and horrifically oppressive for a first world country. Nearly 1,000 police killings a year were reported in 2014.

  • The legacy of both AIDS and crack has left its mark, ravaging black communities especially hard.

  • Since the 1980s, welfare and food stamp programs have been getting cut, combine that with rapidly rising rent prices in major cities and the average black person is suffering financially.

  • Jobs will actively not hire black people over white people, and black people have a much more difficult time gathering an education due to horrible public funding and no money for college.

These are actual issues facing the black community that have actual solutions. White privilege does exist, but if every single white person in the world suddenly realized their privilege, there would still be 40 million black people living in poverty.

Asians who come from China or Korea today are often coddled into the American economy, blacks have literally been put down at every single turn.

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