Furious with Turkey, EU threatens sanctions, arms embargo

I would love to see them back it up with unrelenting military force. I'm just so sick of seeing these backward ass countries do whatever they want, and the worst threat they receive is a fucking tariff.

If all the relatively good nations of the world could just come together to obliterate the Chinese government, Russia, pretty much the entire Middle East, North Korea, half of South America, Singapore, a large portion of Africa, etc.

Not the civilians, just the top tiers of their governments, and whoever tries to defend their bullshit.

Obviously this isnt actually a viable option, but jesus christ, fuck all of these backward ass countries. Can you even imagine how much smoother the world would run if it was just just North America, Western Europe, and all the chill parts of Asia and Africa.

I feel so bad for all the people who had the misfortune to be born in such shitholes. My dream would be for all of the good countries of the world to come together, and reinvent those shitholes, one by one.

/r/news Thread Link - reuters.com