The future looks bright..../s By 2020 white children will be a minority in the USA

I mean, If that's a serious reply I guess I'll give my opinion:

Before I say anything I will say that I am not white, Sorry If you take offence from that. I am just giving my opinion and it's just that, an opinion and not a fact. Sorry if I offend you before hand.

It can clearly be seen in the world today that mass immigration is happening from poor countries to developed countries. There are tons of factors to this, the big one is related to there being better opportunities and quality of life in EU countries. A large majority within this group of immigrants are muslum people. I can understand why this is a problem for a few people.

With this in mind, I fully agree with you that there is a dilution in between the different races of men. Weather or not this is a good thing or a bad thing is a subjective matter, Some people like it and some people don't. I don't have an opinion on it because I don't have all the information. I don't know what this kind of culture means in macro and micro sociological sense so I cant have an informed opinion on it.

I do understand that quite a few people want to keep to themselves. In this case, Lots of white people don't want to see their genes degraded and that's completely fine.

IMO the best way to make all sides happy is to establish zones where people want to be segregated, and zones where people want to do other things. Kind of like counties in the US. So you could have a county or a place where majority of people are white, and they want themselves to not mingle with others, They can have that zone and that particular zone will have laws that permit only Whites to get good obs, hold powerful positions and marry each other. So if you are white there is a lot of incentive to living here because you have lots of opportunities.

Their can be similar zones for other races if they want that. For ex a black only zone or a asian only zone. Lastly there can then be zones which allow people to intermingle and have equal opportunities for everybody.

I know its kind of like anarchy but maybe through this, everybody can be happy?

What's your thoughts on the subject/ How would you preserve races.

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