Futureproofing question...

Yeah, I feel bad for them too! I never follow hype, just my gut on team composition for future proofing. However... :) I actually went in for that banner, just wanting to get one of the bursts or Selphie USB as I didn't have an AOE heal for the realm either, but the main goal was Aura for Raijin (party instant cast and I have his BSB from a lucky draw, even as an SSB is still awesome as one of the lower end ones) and armour (two armours, so bad. One was crafted and the other from a lucky).

I pulled a few times as I don't have intention for lucky draws anymore or fest banners with knowing what's coming up, and because I didn't have dupes either and the next two FF8's I actually have a few dupes so it was a safer bet to pull now. I did end up with Squall and none of the other bursts or Selphie AOE heal (irony). Used it for the cid mission, I didn't even get it up to full charge so I still don't know what it can do lol. Edea does fantastic ice damage already so it was just a nicety, so far anyway.

Everything else is going for Relm and Fran for instant cast bananza and Tyro is just going to be a battery with wall including his USB too. It's going to be amazing... I'll probably miss both of them now but even the consolation prizes are great! Can't wait.

The only thing I think is possibly an issue with this new power creep is I feel like you (in general) really need to pick a character and then go almost all in to really maximize them. Or is it just me...

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