fwd: re; RE: those uppity thugs are controlled by the JEWS

I don't think its a dichotomy. What the comic is trying to say is that young people are being influenced by black culture which he doesn't like. He is then making that relationship with poor education, and believes that black culture devalues education. Its possible that there is a small correlation, but the entire sentiment is completely overshadowed by a huge amount of racism.

That said its more likely that other factors like the internet, and other cultural factors have reversed how kids perceive the importance of education.

I think music has a really big influence on society. I also think its a representation of the current time as well. Think of the anti-war movement of the 70's, heavily influenced by music. You can't deny that all this booty shaking stuff came from black culture.

I'm very socially progressive, so I'm kind of glad our society is going in this direction. But lets not deny that music doesn't have a big influence on young people though.

/r/ForwardsFromKlandma Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com