FYI, owning a motorcycle is much cheaper than owning a car

I've been riding much of my life (F, 70) and have not gone down, although I realize that could still happen. I ride in Orange County, California, not exactly rural roads. I'm uber aware of what's going on around me, and I'm cool as a cucumber when I ride, to the point that it's almost meditative. My ex was a biker with several humongo Harleys, and he taught me how to ride. I'm happy on my Piaggio Beverly 350 (technically a big scooter) with a big case on the back.

I take brush-up lessons on how to ride safely every few years, wear all-the-gear-all-the-time, and love love love riding. My Beverly gets about 80 mpg, and will need its second tune-up in a few hundred miles when I get to 6,000 miles. I use it for most of my driving and errands unless I need to carry something heavy or a passenger.

By the way, because I use it for most of my driving I can insure my car for much, much less, since I drive it for 2,000 miles a year or less. Win win.

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