FYI: /r/ultimategifs is a thing

I created /r/ultimategifs as a place to analyze plays in detail — and also to marvel at huge plays. If you're looking to develop new strategy, check out some of the elite stacks I have made into GIFs. If you're just looking to get hyped before a tournament, watch sweet layouts. If you aren't interested in getting hyped or examining new offensive plays in detail, then the sub is not for you. You don't have to subscribe.

/r/ultimatevideos exists — it's called

/r/ultimaterules exists — it's called /r/ultimate's front page

/r/ultimateclub exists — it's called twitter

/r/ultimatecollege exists — it's called "why /u/sloecrush hates /r/ultimate during the spring"

If you think this sub aggregates everything you would ever need to know or experience about the ultimate community, then you are missing out on tons of amazing content every day. Videos are rarely posted here anymore. In fact, I once conducted a survey to gauge what types of content /r/ultimate users enjoyed most, and videos was something most people weren't interested in, simply because they know where to find that content elsewhere and would rather come here for different reasons.

In short, if you don't like /r/ultimategifs, don't subscribe. I didn't create it for karma points — I created it as a place to host all the GIFs I make. Likewise, I didn't create Film Session Friday for karma — I did it to discuss film with players from all around the country.

The largest problem facing this subreddit today is that the users here have begun treating it as reddit and we spend our time now engaging in pointless conversation such as this rather than discussing ultimate.

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