"G2 is the best and I think we're the second best" - Jensen on the 6 teams going to Rift Rivals

I never understood people trying to make arguments like this, it doesn't matter if Bjergsen, Nisqy or Jensen play in the LCS for another 30+ years and tattoo the flag into their fucking foreheads, they're European midlaners who were imported to North America.

Bjerg has played more playoff games in NA than pro games in EU.

Impact has participated in more playoff games and won more regional titles in NA than KR, he's even an NA resident as this point. Does that make him an "NA Toplaner"? I think the vast majority of both Europeans and North Americans still consider Impact a korean player, because he is.

RF Legendary and Xmithie are examples of players not born in the US but are still considered NA talent. Ryu, Nisqy, Jensen, Bjergsen, Impact, Piglet, Rush, Huni etc are not NA talent just because they've played in NA for a long time.

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