G2 Caps gets deleted in 0.1s

Look at this thread.

Evelynn got a 5 magic damage buff on her Q and she was one shoting literally everything that moved in the jungle.

Karthus gets 10% amp on Q and becomes permabroken after hitting 1 Q in teamfight

Katarina and Diana OTPs are still dominating soloq and can itemize against enemy MR in the game.

Caps almost one shots a 7kill Zed with 8csmin at a Ludens Echo and people type "No assassin should be able to assasinate 40 Mr Syndra at 2 items" unironically

Look at assassin damage chart and control mage damage chart and youll soon realise your ADC isnt dead because of the enemy Zed Talon its because Zyra has a thornspitter or Heimer has a turret with Liandrys.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread Parent Link - clips.twitch.tv